Our Story

Thailand Insurance Institute was firstly established on January 18, 1980 through the appointed board of directors comprising 3 each from The General Insurance Association, Thai LIfe Assurance Association and The Insurance Department, The Ministry of Commerce. The initial operation was formulated by Lieutenant Suchai Chaovisit, being the first Chairman of the institute.
Thailand Insurance Institute was originally set up through the collaboration of The General Insurance Association, Thai LIfe Assurance Association and The Insurance Department, The Ministry of Commerce. (or The Office of Insurance Commission at present) The strong aspiration was to build up the insurance institution to develop insurance knowledge and skills towards staff in general insurance and life insurance including all levels of all parties related to insurance services and to properly maintain high standard of insurance professionalism

To achieve its goal, Thailand Insurance Institute sought a collaboration from The New Zealand Insurance Institute which was very well received especially on the permission to use the insurance curriculum. Finally, The New Zealand Insurance Institute had agreed to include Thailand Insurance Institute to become one of its associated education partners on July 21, 1980. This also allowed Thai students to apply for The New Zealand Insurance Institute membership, the criteria of which was identical to the application of its membership in New Zealand
In 1987, the board of directors had approved a plan to register the institute to become a limited company so that it can enhance flexibility in conducting business. They also passed the resolution to register the institute to become the limited company with a capital of Baht 15,000,000, the process of which was fully complete on October 3, 1988. The initial shareholders were derived from 75 companies who were conducting general insurance and life insurance business, rendering the company to be officially named “T.I.I. Company Limited”, being an abbreviation of Thailand Insurance Institute. This had to comply with the Insurance Act B.E. 2510 not allowing the registered company to use the wording of “insurance” containing in its registered name unless it was allowed to legally operate insurance business

Thailand Insurance Institute , standing in the name of “T.I.I. Company Limited ” consisted of 15 board of directors, all of whom had to be approved in the shareholders meeting prior to their business conduct. Mr. Chalor Fuengarom, Director of the Insurance Department, The Ministry of Commerce was the first Chairman of the Institute. This was followed by the appointment of Mr. Arthorn Titriranont to become the first Managing Director of the company and also the President of the Institute.
In 2002, with the resolution from the board of directors and the shareholders, the company increased its capital from Baht 15,000,000 to Baht 21,500,000. This was made to strengthen its efficiency and capability of learning and education enabling Thailand Insurance Institute to become more recognized and acceptable in the public. Such an increase in capital paid up was completely done in 2007.