On 10 May 2023, Thailand Insurance Institute (TII), together with The Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF) and Thailand General Insurance Association (TGIA), organized a seminar on “Shaping skills for future of work and International best practices of Electric Vehicle Insurance”, at Thailand General Insurance Association Bangkok, with an aim to share emerging trends on insurance employment after the pandemic, the essential of reskills and upskills, new ways of learning to fit with future of work for insurance industry and to discuss a hot topic of Electric Vehicle (EV) insurance.

We were honored by Mr.Kheedhej Anansiriprapha, Executive Director of Thai General Insurance Association (TGIA), to welcome all attendees and Mr.Tadthep Sujitjorn, Advisor of Thailand Insurance Institute (TII), to give an opening speech.

The first session is about “Shaping skills for future of work for insurance industry in Thailand” by Ms.Prue Willsford, CEO of ANZIIF,
Next session is “Electric Vehicle Insurance – International best practices and lesson learnt for Thailand” delivered by Mr. Anthony Baker, Chief Technical Officer of Allianz Partners APAC.

For the last session, we are honored to have 4 panelists who are internationally involved with EV — Mr. Anthony Baker, Chief Technical Officer of Allianz Partners APAC; Mr.Muhammad Azlan Nasrin Bin Mohd Nazree Forensic Engineer from Approved Group International (AGI); Mr.Suroj Sangsanit, Vice President for Industry of Electric Vehicle Association of Thailand (EVAT) and Executive Vice President of SAIC Motor–CP Co., Ltd.; and Mr.Steven Yuan, Former CEO of Control Expert China — discussing EV premium, replacing or repairing damaged battery, ecosystem in particular to charge stations, government policy on EV today and future, and risk exposures to EV underwriting.
There were officers from Office of Insurance Commission (OIC) and middle-senior executives from leading insurance companies participating in the seminar.